Environment is everything

Efter seminariet i ecofeminism var det några passager som fastnade. Som jag vil dela med mig. Jag tycker de beskriver problematiken vi - kvinnor, män, mänskligheten - måste brottas med oavsett om man är feminist, miljöjesus eller whoever.

I 1983 skrev Isabelle Letelier  ”Women give life. We have the capacity to give life and light. We can take our brooms and sweep the earth. We can seal up the hole in the ozone layer. The environment is life and women must struggle for life and women must struggle for life with our feet on the ground and our eyes towards the heavens. We must do the impossible.”

En annan kvinna, Dr. Eugenia V. Afanasieva, skrev ”All mankind now stands at the beginning of a new area. People must make the choice to live or to perish. Nobody can predict the future. Must save our civilization. We must change our ways of thinking. We must think ecologically.”

En tredje kvinna, Olga Uzhnurtsevaa, uttryckte sig följande:

“Nature said to women:

Be amused if you can,

Be wise if possible,

But by all means, be prudent.”


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